Come and see the two new sculptures that I created
Lia Strell is an artist, film maker and an eco activist. She also feels a deep connection to nature, pure ancient water, the trees, the seedpods, and the rich golden soil.
Lia’s work is being acknowledged for healing within the Arts at Hospitals & Botanical Gardens. “I feel a stirring from the Garden. The idea is to bridge ancient wisdom with holistic healing solutions. Healing Ourselves, Healing Our Planet.”
“The flow of water, light & natural sensual
movement triggers a deep, creative spark
in my being.
As I gaze above and close my eyes I try to
discover the messages that are linked
with our evolution and bring confidence
and healing energy into our lives.
My art arrives through discovery.”
Scroll down this page to
The Picasso Sculptures are now part of Lia’s story.
It was during the pandemic when Lia's creative transformation took hold.
Nature's Relics, Videography and Climate Activism are still so meaningful.
With this complex time we are in, Lia seeks to simplify her work with messages of Creative Healing.
"I realize I can continue to work in the metals, Produce for the Stage, & also utilize my Foraging Adventure Treasures in my artwork.
Perhaps I can do it all but not all at the same time. This is creative multi dimensionality.